Tuesday, May 18, 2010

We're getting bigger, Bigger, BIGGER!

When Tucker wants a snack or a dessert, he always says, I want it to be bigger, bigger, bigger. So, in the words of Tucker, our family is getting bigger, Bigger, BIGGER! I'm pretty sure that everyone that reads this blog probably already knows but I'm 15 weeks pregnant! We've gone through all sorts of emotions when it comes to the pregnancy, as it was so unexpected! I think I can speak for both Bryce and myself when I say that apparently God must see something in our unorganized, crazy parenting that we don't see to bless with another child! :) I sort of always knew that we weren't done with two kids but didn't know if we would ever cross the bridge from two kids to a few kids! BREAK FOR REALITY*** As I'm writing this Gigi is waving a drumstick around Tucker's face like she's holding him hostage with it, her personality is a totally different post, in and of itself.*** When we told Tucker that we were having another baby he said, I don't need another baby I already have a baby named Gigi. I thought that was hilarious and I can relate with his thinking a little! We know that it's going to be crazy while they're little but we are excited about them all being so close in age. We find out the sex in a few weeks and I only have a few more days of taking the heparin injections--can't wait for that to be over! So more updates about the pregnancy to come!

1 comment:

Lauren said...

So excited for you guys! Hold on to your horses...you're in for it! Don't let me scare you...it's great! :)
So, I've been checking your blog religiously to see if you are finding out baby's gender...any news?