Well we headed out to the Pumpkin Patch last week for what's become our annual punkin pickin! We pass this pumpkin patch on the way to Tucker's school and I think it's his favorite part about going to school! So, he was VERY excited to actually get to go pick our pumpkin's out. He walked right up to the little pumpkins and stammered around a little bit and picked a pumpkin that was perfect for him--just his size. I tried to get him to get a bigger one that would be easier to carve---and he told me--uhmm, mo (which is no) mommy that punkin too big! So cute! Gigi was hungry and not exactly thrilled about the punkin patch--she was good while we were there because daddy held her but she told us about it the whole way home! Classic southern woman--keep your mouth shut in public! :) Tucker is totally obsessed with his pumpkin and he named it--guess what---Tucker Gandy--so creative! :)
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
Our Gigi Girly Girl!
Ohh, our Gigi girly girl, that's what Bryce, Tucker and I call Gigi. I can't believe she's already 6 months old, her little personality is coming out more and more everyday. Here's what's going in on with our Gigg these days...Gigi is definetly a girly girl, our days are filled with Gigi's little squeaks and screams. She loves, loves Tucker and Tanner and if they leave the room where she is playing she gets very upset. She hasn't had any teeth come in yet but I feel like they are on the cusp of breaking through. She has started eating baby food, and she LOVES to eat--her favorite so far is sweet potatoes! Her hair is starting to fall out in random locations and it's coming in really, really light--I was able to put her hair in a ponytail yesterday and she looked like she was in 9th grade! She's sitting up without support and she can get on all four's but she doesn't really know what to do from that point--she's just started to "rock". The biggest thing about our little Gigi, is her rolley polley legs--she has huge legs and they are just squeezable---actually when you squeeze her legs she giggles so loud! She can be very serious when she wants to be but also very sweet and cuddly when she wants to be--she's at that cute bouncing baby stage that I love--I can sit her on the ground and she bounces her hands up and down and talks and smiles--precious! I think we all feel blessed to have a Priss to balance everything out in this house! :)
Sweet Face!
Sometimes I call her SASS!
What you can't see is the spoon of sweet potatoes and apples headed her way!
This is what happens when the food is all gone! :) I can't believe that, that's a pretty pink and puprle sippy cup--I've waited so long to buy those!
God Bless!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Not the Cleavers!!

I've been thinking alot about how when you use the internet to let other people into your lives or just to chronicle your life, it can become very easy to make your life look like something that it's not. I mean don't get me wrong, I love my children and my family and I know the feeling is mutual but it ain't always "hunky dorry" (if I spelled that right). There are plenty of times where both kids are crying, the house looks like a bomb went off, and the laundry and dishes are falling out of the baskets and out of the sink! So here's an older picture of the kids. Gigi is crying because I had to put her down to make her bottle and Tucker is in timeout for something he did that offended either me or Gigi--I can't remember. Anyway, they both looked at me like---Why in the world are you taking a picture of us Mom??? So, we're definetly not the Cleavers, we're the Gandy's and we fall short everyday, but we always feel so blessed to have each other!
:) Lindsey
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