Tuesday, December 2, 2008
It's A Girl!
Monday, December 1, 2008
This was picture day, doesn't he look cute!!
This was Halloween, Tucker is in the dragon costume to the very left. They had a little parade around the fellowship hall and Tucker chased a little boy dressed like Spider Man--when I say "chase" I mean he was totally obsessed with this poor child--it was hilarious!
This was at Farm Day, we all went out to a farm and had a nature walk and the kids picked pumpkins, it was fun. This is Tucker and his friend Wes on the tractor.
This is one of the best pictures I've got of him in a while, he's actually looking at the camera and smiling!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Big News!
Love, Lindsey
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Take Me Out to the Ball Game!
This was when they got on top of the dugout and everyone sang happy birthday.
And, of course Lady and Poppy couldn't miss Tucker's first ball game. They loaded him up with all kinds of Charlotte Knights stuff.
The Knights mascots are Homer and Caroline (they're dragons) and Tucker fell in love with Homer, oh excuse me, Honner is what Tucker refers to him as! We had a great time at the ball game and feel very fortunate that it was able to such a special 1st game for Tucker!
:) Lindsey
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Trip to the Zoo

Of course we had to go to the gift shop and let him pick out an animal, he picked out a baby giraffe but he also got this weird tiger head thing that he LOVED and played with for weeks.

This in on the way home--you can see the weird tiger head toy in his hand. We had so much fun and will definitely go back!

:) Lindsey
Monday, July 7, 2008
A Normal Summer Day Around the Gandy House

We imagine we're big and going off to school (nice outfit).

Tucker found this digging my beach bag!

And finally we end the day cleaning up!! (This is probably Tucker's favorite thing to do--he loves to vacuum--no complaints here! )

Our First Post!
:) Lindsey