For Tucker's birthday Lady and Poppy decided to take him to the Great Wolf Lodge that just opened in Concord. Now, we had been pumping this trip up to Tucker for weeks, which can be a little dangerous with a three year old because they have no concept of time. So I think he thought he was going to the great wolf lodge everyday for about 2 weeks. Anyway, when the day finally came he was soooo excited. Honestly, we were all excited and Bryce and I were a little jealous that we didn't get to go. So, they spent all afternoon at the water park in the lodge, and that night they had story time in the lobby, mom was told to dress Tucker in his pjs for story time--he's still talking about story time, I think that was his favorite thing. Mom and dad got a room with 2 double beds and they let Tucker stay up until 10:00. I think mom let him have his first coke, and he basically had a diet of anything sugar for 24 hours, that's what grandparents are for! Also, I think that anything that Tucker even glanced at my parents bought him, and I mean everything. He now has 2 great wolf lodge t-shirts, a wolf backpack, a wolf stuffed animal, a wolf plate, and the topper is the little wolf statue that now sits in his room! So, Sunday morning Bryce and I and Gigi got to go to the lodge and eat lunch and see the waterpark and go to the arcade, yes I said arcade. If I had a picture of Gigi in the arcade--she was looking around like, ok come on this is just ridiculous! :) Anyway, Bryce had so much fun that I think, when he leaves the house to run to the store or the car wash that he is secretly going to the Great Wolf Lodge and hanging out! :) We all had a great time and hope that this becomes an annual Lady Poppy trip!